Urethane Bowling Balls

 Urethane bowling balls were born in the late 1970s in an attempt to create more friction with the lane and give bowlers more hook potential than the traditional plastic cover stocks. Today, urethane balls are most often used by experienced bowlers on dry lane conditions, although many bowling coaches also recommend a urethane ball to a beginning bowler who wants to start throwing a hook.

Since urethane cover stocks, like plastic, are non-pourous, sanding and polishing the ball can be done with relative ease to customize its performance to each bowler.
Gradual, Controllable Hook

Unlike a reactive-resin cover stock, which gives bowlers the added power of backend (an aggressive hook once the ball gets to the dry part of the lane), urethane cover stocks take a more gradual path to the pins. Because the ball won't absorb oil, bowlers can find the right line to the pocket and watch the ball predictably travel that path over and over.

Despite more controllability and predictability than reactive resin, urethane cover stocks generally will have a less-effective angle to the pocket, making strikes harder to throw.
A Reliable Addition to Any Arsenal

Whether you're a beginner who wants to start throwing a hook or an experienced bowler who sometimes loses control over your reactive-resin ball on dry lanes, a urethane ball is a good addition to your arsenal. Many bowlers have a urethane ball they refer to as their go-to ball when bowling on dry lanes or struggling to find consistency with their reactive-resin bowling balls.
Review Your Urethane Bowling Balls

Do you have a reliable urethane ball in your arsenal? Did you have a terrible experience with a urethane ball? Submit a review of your urethane bowling balls. 

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